Seco island - elbow island

You’ve probably seen drone photos of it —  a small, elbow-shaped island surrounded by clear, green and blue waters.It basically looks like a clump of fine white sand dumped in the middle of the ocean, with just a handful of trees and shrubs somewhere on the side.
'Seco" means Elbow in their local language, Because it looks like the shape of elbow.Compared to the other islands in Antique, however, like Mararison island, getting there isn’t so convenient. To get there by sunrise, one has to leave Tibiao at 3am, and waves can get big.
Located around 50 kilometers west of Panay, Seco Island is more popular for kite surfing than for swimming. Tourists told that it’s perfect for that sport; the flat waters and strong winds have attracted kite surfers for years. Most come from Boracay for a day trip or even for overnight trips; they either bring tents or if well-heeled, hire a catamaran.
When we woke up around two hours later, we were told that the island was near. We couldn’t see it though; Seco was almost flat and if it weren’t for the trees, you couldn’t see it at all until you get there.
Since the corals extended several hundred meters from the shore, docking the big boats on the shore wasn’t possible. Several smaller boats (banca) took four people at a time to the island itself. I wanted to swim all the way, but I was cautioned about the current and the distance.
Truth be told, snorkeling isn’t the best thing to do in Seco. There were only a few corals and plenty of sea grass. I did, however, spot a couple of clown fish, and there were parts deep enough for swimming.
The best thing about Seco is its white sand beaches. It’s perfect for picture taking, beach bumming, and generally just relaxing after a long boat ride. If you’re a kite surfer, you would love it, too.
Remember, if you want nothing but sun and sand, go to Seco Island. As there’s nothing else there, you will definitely experience going back to basics!
